Annual Reports In our Annual reports, you will find summaries of EUCC-Germany's activities throughout the year Coastline Reports The journal Coastline Reports publishes monographs, project results and proceedings with a focus on coastal management and research. It can be downloaded for free. Coastal experts are invited to publish their own contents. Please contact Coastal and Marine This illustrated English-language magazine is published by the Coastal & Marine Union approximately four times a year. It covers topics from coastal management and planning to coastal and nature protection. EUCC-D is currently co-editing four issues of a special series with the title “Coastal Climate Change”. The series has articles on climate change and climate adaptation with a spatial focus in the Baltic Sea region. In 2014 EUCC-D co-edited a special issue about "Aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region" within the framework of the project AQUAFIMA. ![]() | EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany The German branch 'EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.' was established as an association (NGO) in 2002. Our main objective is to strengthen German activities within the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) by bridging the gap between coastal science and practice. EUCC-Germany provides relevant information, consults and educates coastal practitioners, hosts workshops and conferences and runs demonstration projects. We further aim to raise international awareness of German ICZM activities. Our main office is located in Warnemuende on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The board consists of representatives from both the North and Baltic Sea coasts. Please feel free to contact us. EUCC-D Board (2014-2018) Holger Janßen (President), Warnemünde: Scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW). PD Dr. Maike Isermann (Vice-President), Bremen: Scientist and lecturer at the Institute for Ecology at the University of Bremen. PD Dr. Gerald Schernewski (Vice-President), Warnemünde: Scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) and lecturer in distance learning courses at the University of Rostock. Prof. Dr. Peter Fröhle (Board-Member), Hamburg: Professor for River and Coastal Engineering and head of the Institute of River and Coastal Engineering. Dr. Bastian Schuchardt (Board-Member), Bremen: Co-owner of BioConsult Schuchardt & Scholle GbR. Prof. Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt (Board-Member), Warnemünde: Scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW). Staff members Nardine Stybel: Managing director and PR Dr. Steffen Bock: Webmaster, Databases Dr. Susanna Knotz: Volunteer with EUCC-Germany Vincent Ohnesorge: Voluntary ecological year with EUCC Germany Kathrin Podehl: Accounting Katja Rudow: Project Management Rieke Scholz: Project Management Franziska Stoll: Project Administration and PR Anke Vorlauf: Environmental Education Advisory Board Since 2006 EUCC-Germany has been supported by a consultant advisory board. These consultants are EUCC members and well-known experts in coastal-relevant disciplines. They take on volunteer, professional, and advisory duties to actively assist our organization. Dr. Frank Ahlhorn: North Sea and Project development Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns: International Collaboration & Global Change Education Dr. Götz Flöser: Environmental education & LOICZ Wolfgang Günther: Coastal tourism Franz Liebrenz: Regional ICZM & Spatial Planning Prof. Dr. Horst Sterr: Coasts and Climate Change: Risks in Coastal Regions Wolf Wichmann: Public Relations ![]() |
Contact EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland Fax: +49 (0) 381- 5197 211 E-Mail: Meer & Küste With the informational magazine “Meer & Küste” EUCC-Germany seeks to inform the public about the current condition, problems, solutions, and developments regarding the Baltic Sea and its coasts. The magazine is written for tourists, coastal residents, those interested in our coasts, and coastal professionals. Newsletter EUCC-Germany publishes a free German-language Küsten Newsletter (The Coastal Newsletter) which gives an overview of current developments in the field of coastal and marine research and management. This newsletter is released every two months, and has more than 1300 subscribers from the fields of politic, administration, and research. In the newsletter you will find articles of various length and depth. In addition, we have probed the recently released scientific literature and list oncoming German and international events. E-Learning We offer online training modules (in German) about coastal issues set out for ESD (education for sustainable development). ![]() |